company overview

We want you to enjoy dealing with us. That means you should not only find us approachable, reliable and transparent but also willing to tailor our approach to suit your needs.

Sphere Legal has its head office in Perth and practises nationally.

Established in 2009, Sphere Legal has a wide range of top tier clients including major banks and financial services institutions, ASX listed companies and local governments as well as small and medium businesses.

What makes us different is our customer-service approach. Our aim is to ensure that not only do our clients receive services of the highest quality but also that you will enjoy dealing with us, and experience an outstanding level of customer service. This means that not only does our team receive the training and mentoring necessary to maintain our technical standards but also ongoing coaching and development aimed at continually improving our service delivery.

Our customer service philosophy underpins everything we do.

want to know more?

Ph 08 9323 5060 or

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